Sunday, September 13, 2015

Our 15 Minutes. Tiny Homes on the Move by Lloyd Kahn

This post is a LONG time coming.  In 2013, our friend, Martha Latta, passed on a Mother Earth News magazine that had a "call for entries" posted in the back.  Lloyd Kahn was looking for submission for his new book Tiny Homes on the Move.  I thought what the heck...I can submit some pictures.  I did and months later we were notified that we would be included in the book!  How cool is that, right?  Here is a link to the book on Amazon or maybe your local library has it?  Check it out.

We are on page 62!

The book is full of amazing people living in fantastic homes.  I enjoyed having the contact information on the bottom of the person's page that led me to a lot of links where I could check out stories and such of all the cool folks.  If you are interested in tiny living or alternative housing, this would be a great addition to your library!